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Non-Harvard law school affiliates must receive permission from the HLS Office of Communications before taking photos or recording audio/video recordings on campus. This allows us to alert all applicable personnel, including Campus Police and Media Services, which will help ensure a smooth experience for all involved. To request permission, complete this form. Please submit this form at least 72 hours before arriving on campus.

If your request is approved, we will send a letter back to you, to carry with you at all times, granting you permission to photograph and film on campus. We will also alert Campus Police and other relevant departments to your presence.

Please note these restrictions for photography/recording on the HLS campus:

  • Students may not be photographed or filmed for any reason without express permission from the HLS Office of Communications.
  • For audio/video recording, we require signatures on Recording License Agreements from each student, staff member and faculty member being filmed or recorded.
  • The inside of buildings may not be filmed without express permission from the HLS Office of Communications. Filming the exterior of buildings is permissible, as long as there is no disruption to the campus and no students are filmed without permission.
  • The HLS Office of Communications reserves the right to review recorded material prior to its publication and we reserve the right to use the media for our own promotional purposes on our website or via other channels.
  • All recording should be completed in a timely and unobtrusive manner, without disruption to the academic environment.
  • All filming is subject to all Harvard and HLS COVID-19 and other public health guidelines, including but not limited to the HLS visitor policy and indoor masking requirements.

Please don’t hesitate to e-mail us if you have any questions: