Case: Go Glow, Inc. v. Sheila Simpson

A writ of certiorari is granted on the following two questions:
- Whether the Ames Buy American Green Technologies Act, Ames Rev. Stat. § 401, is invalid as an intrusion on the federal government’s foreign affairs power.
- Whether the Ames Buy American Green Technologies Act, Ames Rev. Stat. § 401, is invalid under the dormant Foreign Commerce Clause.
Hon. David Souter ’61, ’66, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
Hon. Mark Wolf ’71, U.S. District Court, Massachusetts
Hon. Reena Raggi ’76, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

The William J. Stuntz Memorial Team
Ryan Doerfler
Cormac Early, Oralist
Conor Mulroe
Josh Segal
Vivek Suri, Oralist
Allison Trzop

The Gordon Hirabayashi Memorial Team
Best Brief, Best Overall
Yaira S. Dubin
Emma L. Freeman, Best Oralist
Benjamin F. Jackson
Michael D. Lieberman, Oralist
William H. Milliken
Michael J. Springer, Jr.