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  • What happens if I don’t login and update my information? I’ll still at least have an address, right?
    • Not anymore! The inclusion of contact information in the Red Books is now “opt-in” only. If you do not log into your Red Book profile and review/update any information, your entry in the book will consist of just your name and the year of your Harvard Law School degree (i.e., John Doe J.D. ’73). For anything more to appear in print, you must submit it intentionally by participating through the Red Book profile.
    • This is a major change that was made in response to new legal conventions being adopted worldwide to protect privacy in the digital age.
  • What are the Red Book deadlines?
    • The deadline to enter your final entry is Thursday, September 19.
    • If you plan to attend Reunion, Red Books are included within the registration fee, and you will receive your copy at check-in. If you cannot attend and wish to purchase a physical copy, the deadline to order is Thursday, September 26.
  • What is the “terms of use disclosure” we have to agree to? Am I giving up my privacy?

    No, it is a requirement to obtain your acceptance of those terms of use to publish your Red Book entry. However, rest assured, the Red Book itself is unchanged. The books still have the same noncommercial purpose they have always had and the same restricted exposure to eyes outside your own Class.

  • Is there a word limit?

    Yes, there is a 750-word limit. The instructions suggest one or two paragraphs, and most narratives are in the 150 – 500-word range.

  • Is there a word limit?

    Yes, there is a 500-word limit. The instructions suggest one or two paragraphs, and most narratives are in the 100 – 450-word range.

  • I am trying to update my essay but I keep getting an error message.

    While this happens rarely, we do highly recommend that you first write your narrative in a word-processing program, such as Microsoft Word, and then copy and paste it into the essay field. Then, should you receive a timeout issue, or your internet connection fails, or some other error occurs, you will have your essay in a safe spot and not lose your work. If you get an error message, we suggest that you either wait awhile and try again later to paste the essay into your online form or email it directly to

  • Will a HLS staff member edit my entry?

    We do light copyediting, correcting for house style, misspellings, and grammatical errors. We normally do not make substantive changes without consulting the author.

  • Can I send in a photo?

    Only the 25th and 50th books have the option to submit a photo. Photos will be printed in color, and you have the option to include a caption.

  • Will there be a digital copy?

    A password-protected PDF version of the Red Book will be available on the post-Reunion website.

  • Where should I go with a technical problem?

    We are here to help! If you are having difficulty using the website, please contact Harvard Law School Alumni Relations at 617-384-9523 or If your problem is with the HarvardKey, please contact the HLS HarvardKey support line at 617-495-5631 or HLS Alumni Records at

  • Is there a preferred browser for the Red Book tool?

    Yes, the preferred browser is Google Chrome! If you are having issues with the website, please make sure you are using the correct browser.

  • Can I make edits to my essay?
    • Yes, you can make as many edits as you need up until the deadline of Thursday, September 19. Please remember, once you press “submit”, you will not be able to make changes.
    • If you have selected submit and a change is required, please contact Harvard Law School Alumni Relations at 617-384-9523 or
  • Do I need to submit an essay? Can I just include my contact information?

    You are welcome to only include your contact information. The narrative is not required.

  • I cannot figure out the HarvardKey. Now what?

    Please contact the HLS HarvardKey support line at 617-495-5631 or HLS Alumni Records at