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Stobo Sniderman

S.J.D. Candidate


Separate but (actually) equal? A Positive and Normative Inquiry

Fields of Research and Supervisors

  • The law of equality and education, Martha Minow, Harvard Law School, Principal Faculty Supervisor
  • Canadian constitutional law, Kent Roach, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
  • Comparative constitutional law, Vicki Jackson, Harvard Law School
  • Law, social change and backlash, Michael Klarman, Harvard Law School

Additional Research Interests

  • Animal and Food Law
  • Civil Law
  • Qualitative Research methods
  • Business and Human Rights


  • Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Candidate 2023 – Present
  • Harvard Law School, LL.M. 2022 (requirement fulfilled, degree waived)
  • University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, LL.L. (license en droit), 2021
  • University of Toronto Faculty of Law, J.D., 2014
  • Oxford University, M.Phil., 2010
  • Swarthmore College, B.A., 2007

Academic Appointments and Fellowships

  • New York University School of Law, Scholar in Residence, 2019-2021
  • McGill University Faculty of Law, O’Brien Fellow in Residence, 2019
  • University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, Visiting Researcher, 2017-2018

Representative Publications

Valley of the Birdtail: An Indian Reserve, a White Town, and the Road to Reconciliation (HarperCollins, 2022) (with Douglas Sanderson)

“La Cour suprême du Canada, le Code civil du Québec et le rôle des juges de la common law: une étude des arrêts de 1976-2019,” La Revue du Barreau canadien, Vol. 100 No. 3 (2022) (with Mariella Montplaisir-Bazan)

“‘Clearly a subjective determination’: Interpretations of ‘undue suffering’ at the Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal (2000-2019),” Ottawa Law Review, Volume 53, Issue 2

“Explaining Delayed Cessation: A Case Study of Rwandan Refugees in Zimbabwe,” 27 International Journal of Refugee Law 607 (2015)

Additional Information

Languages: English, French, Spanish

Last Updated: July 24, 2023