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Aanchal Chugh ’21
Reprieve, United Kingdom
Researched the impact of the Sri Lankan president’s decision to end a moratorium on the death penalty. Conducted cross-jurisdictional research and drafted arguments to support the commutation of death sentences for prisoners in Pakistan.

Merve Ciplak ’21
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Working in the Office of the International Judges of the Supreme Court Chamber in the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials, drafted analyses of specific aspects of the trial chamber judgment in a case that is proceeding to an appeal, and conducted comparative research on how other jurisdictions have responded to scenarios or decisions that may fall outside of the court’s rules or procedures.

Brooke Davies ’21
International IDEA, Tunisia
Assisted the United Nations envoy in the ongoing peace negotiations in Yemen, including providing legal research for a dialogue session with the parties to the internationally recognized government and answering questions raised in the course of the negotiations. Assisted with consulting on the political negotiations between the military and protesters after the ouster of President al-Bashir in Sudan.

Alev Erhan ’21
TRIAL International, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Conducted a review of plea bargaining practices among courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and a comparative analysis across countries, to consider opportunities for standardization or reform. Also researched sentencing practices for conflict-related sexual violence and more broadly for sexual violence in other countries in the region and Europe, and compensation for attorney’s fees when victims lose cases brought against government entities.

Ayako Fujihara ’21
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, United Kingdom
Working with the Bank’s Legal Transitions team, conducted research and produced a legal memo on the ways in which key international legal instruments governing public procurement could be harmonized, and devised a list of quantitative indicators that could be used to assess the effectiveness of national procurement systems.

Eric Gitari, S.J.D. candidate
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Senegal and The Gambia
Developed a framework for a study on the human rights conditions of LGBTQ persons in Senegal, conducted research discussions with NGOs and activists in Senegal and The Gambia, and prepared briefing notes on the portrayal of LGBTQ persons in the media in both countries.

Johanna Lee ’21
Legal Support for Women and Children, Cambodia
Conducted research to assess the available legal aid for Cambodian migrant workers trafficked to work in the Thai fishing industry, wrote a policy brief on the complaints mechanism for migrant workers and policy recommendations for the Cambodian Government, and wrote interview questions to assess the social impact of trafficking and conducted an extensive interview with a survivor.

Andrea Loera ’21
Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Mexico
Conducted intake interviews and know-your-rights presentations with migrants en route to the United States, conducted legal research, and wrote legal memos and a Department of Labor comment submission.

Roberta Thomazoni Mayerle ’21
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, China
Working with the Institutional Team in the Office of the General Counsel, conducted legal and historical research on the allocation of powers between the president of a multilateral development bank and its board of directors and other procedural issues.

Jeel Oza ’21
Southern Africa Litigation Centre, South Africa
Worked on land displacement cases, including taking trial notes for counsel and reviewing court submissions; conducted research on the gendered impact of land displacement and wrote a memo detailing how organizations could use states’ constitutional and statutory gender protections to bring strategic litigation forward. Wrote a case note on the decriminalization of homosexual intercourse in Botswana, and drafted individual writs of habeas corpus for 26 people accused of homicide in Malawi.

Shaiba Rather ’21
Norwegian Refugee Council, Myanmar
Working with the NGO’s Information, Counseling, and Legal Assistance branch, wrote legal memos on the ways in which Rohingya Muslims may qualify for citizenship in the current climate, and on the housing, land, and property issues facing Rohingya refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) attempting to repatriate. Conducted intake for IDPs facing property extortion and designed and led  discussions on freedom of movement for IDPs in the camps.

Delphine Rodrik ’20
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, Germany
Working with the NGO’s Migration unit, researched and recommended outlets and forums within the UN around which ECCHR could conduct advocacy highlighting the importance and consequences of a recent favorable decision, and conducted legal research and participated in client meetings for a potential new claim.

R. Scott Sanderson ’21
Advocates for Community Alternatives, Ghana
Conducted extensive client interviews for a case involving allegations of human rights violations committed by the military, police, and a gold mining company against a rural community in Ghana. Conducted legal research for additional cases involving community rights and mining in Sierra Leone, an initiative to explore the use of technology to restrain fraud by tax collectors in Ghana, and land rights in Ghana.

Jung Min Shin ’21
EarthRights International, Myanmar
Conducted analyses of resettlement work plans and on whether the developers of the Thilawa Special Economic Zone are complying with Myanmar laws and international best practices, and conducted legal research and drafted memos on the possibility of using temporary injunctions to compel a coal plant company to clean up its toxic waste and on a newly enacted land survey law in Burma.

Rachel Westrate ’21
Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense, Mexico
Conducted legal research and wrote legal memos on Mexico’s and Mexico City’s responsibility to monitor and regulate air quality, under international law and in response to a recent National Court of Human Rights decision qualifying clean air as a human right. Researched the potential cases that migrants could bring in U.S. courts, against the United States or “carbon major” companies, to address their contributions to climate change and displacement.

Parker White ’20
U.S. Department of State, Office of the Legal Counselor, The Netherlands
Attended and reported on proceedings in the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and the Permanent Court of Arbitration.

Alexis Yeboah-Kodie ’21
Legal Resources Centre, Ghana
Reviewed case files and drafted clemency petitions and legal memos advocating for access to psychiatric evaluations for prisoners facing the death penalty in Ghana.  Conducted legislative research and statutory interpretation to recommend ways in which Ghana’s Juvenile Justice Act could be amended to better protect youth.