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Jenny Domino
S.J.D. Candidate

jdomino at


“Reimagining the Public/Private Divide: A Legal Realist Approach to Speech Governance in the Network Society”

Freedom of speech in the network society is conceptually embodied by a “triangle” in mainstream scholarship. This approach treats speech governance as a matter of 1) platforms “governing” users and 2) states regulating users and platforms, based on a static conception of roles (i.e., users as rightsholders). My research project aims to develop a more inclusive theory of freedom of expression in the network society. It will explore an intermediate approach to speech governance based on different actors’ multiple, overlapping roles as regulator and regulated in the global information ecosystem, and study how legal rules ought to be restructured.

Fields of Research and Supervisors

  • Comparative Constitutional Law and Freedom of Speech with Professor Noah Feldman, Harvard Law School, Principal Faculty Supervisor
  • Public-Private Distinction in Legal Thought with Professor Duncan Kennedy, Harvard Law School
  • Power, Politics, and Technology with Professor Yochai Benkler, Harvard Law School

Additional Research Interests

  • First Amendment and State Action
  • Technology and Human Rights
  • Media Regulation
  • Global Governance


  • Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Candidate, 2023 – Present
  • Harvard Law School, LL.M., 2018
  • University of the Philippines, J.D., 2014
  • Ateneo de Manila University, A.B., 2010

Academic Appointments and Fellowships

  • University of the Philippines, 2021-Present, Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Lecturer, Social Media Law
  • University of the Philippines, 2020-2021, Senior Lecturer on Law, Subjects Taught: Legal Theory; Legal Method (Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation)
  • Harvard Law School, 2018-2019, Harvard Human Rights Program Satter Fellow
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018, Global Diversity Fellow

Representative Publications

Crime as Cognitive Constraint: Facebook’s Role in Myanmar’s Incitement Landscape and the Promise of International Tort Liability” 52 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 143 (2020)

Additional Information

  • Languages: English, Filipino, Chinese (conversational), French (conversational)
  • Fellow, Atlantic Council Digital Forensic Research Lab
  • Member, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, Legal Frameworks Working Group
  • Organizing Committee Member, American Society of International Law 2023 Annual Meeting
  • Member, Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law and Policy, Global TechNet Working Group
  • Bar Admission: Philippines (2015); New York State, USA (2021)

Last Updated: July 13th, 2023