Jacquelene Mwangi
S.J.D. Candidate
Graduate Program Fellow, LL.M Advisor
jmwangi at sjd.law.harvard.edu
Technology, Culture and Politics
Fields of Research and Supervisors
- Law & Innovation with Professor Ruth Okediji, Harvard Law School, Principal Faculty Supervisor
- Law in Economic Thought & Development with Professor Duncan Kennedy, Harvard Law School
- Political Economy of Technology & Social Innovation with Professor Yochai Benkler, Harvard Law School
Additional Research Interests
- Intellectual Property Law
- Law and Technology
- Science, Technology & Society
- Law and Political Economy
- Constitutional Law
- Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Candidate, 2019- Present
- Harvard Law School, LL.M. 2018
- Kenyatta University School of Law, Kenya, LL.B. 2015
Academic Appointments and Fellowships
- Harvard Law School, 2019-2020, Graduate Program Fellow, LL.M Advisor
- Harvard Law School, 2017-2018, Visiting Researcher & Graduate Program Fellow
Representative Publications
- James Gathii & Jacquelene Mwangi, The African Court of Human & People’s Rights as an Opportunity Structure, in Redefining International Court Success: The Case of Africa’s International Courts (James Gathii ed.) OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (forthcoming 2020).
- Jacquelene Mwangi, Case note, Supreme Court of Kenya Death Penalty decision, Francis Karioko Muruatetu v. Republic, 112(4) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 707-713 (2018).
- Mwangi & Rutenberg, Do Patents & Utility Models Encourage Innovation in Kenya? 12(3) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & PRACTICE, 206–215 (2017).
- Jacquelene Mwangi, Jeremy de Beer et al, A Framework for Assessing Technology Hubs in Africa, 6(2) NYU JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & ENTERTAINMENT LAW (2017).
Additional Information
- Languages: English, Swahili, French (Beginner)
- Advocate of the High Court of Kenya
Last Updated: October 30, 2019