Guy Rubinstein
S.J.D. Candidate
Edmond J. Safra Graduate Fellow in Ethics, Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics
Graduate Fellow, Teaching Fellow, Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis I
grubinstein at sjd.law.harvard.edu
“Essays on Remedies for Discrimination in the Criminal Process”
Fields of Research and Supervisors
- Criminal Law and Procedure with Professor Carol S. Steiker, Harvard Law School, Principal Faculty Supervisor
- Equal Protection with Professor Jeannie Suk Gersen, Harvard Law School
- Remedies with Professor Jacob E. Gersen, Harvard Law School
- Institutional Design and Administration of the Criminal Justice System with Professor Andrew Manuel Crespo, Harvard Law School
Additional Research Interests
- Evidence
- Anticorruption Law and Policy
- Comparative Law
- Law and Economics
- Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Candidate 2019 – Present
- Harvard Law School, LL.M. Program 2018-2019 (requirements fulfilled, degree waived)
- Tel Aviv University, Israel, LL.B. 2015
Academic Appointments and Fellowships
- Harvard University, 2024-2025, Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics, Edmond J. Safra Graduate Fellow in Ethics
- Harvard Law School, 2022-2024, Graduate Program Fellow, Teaching Fellow, Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis I
- Harvard Law School, 2023-2024, Clark Byse Fellow
- Harvard Law School, 2019-2021, 2022-2023, Graduate Program Fellow, LL.M. Advisor
- Harvard Law School, 2022, Teaching Fellow, Criminal Procedure: Investigations
- Harvard Law School, 2021-2022, John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics
- Harvard Law School, 2021-2022, Graduate Program Fellow, Writing Workshop Advisor: Long-Paper Writers/Writing Groups
- Harvard Law School, 2020, James Vorenberg Equal Justice Summer Fellow
- Fair and Just Prosecution, 2020, Fair and Just Prosecution Summer Fellow
- Harvard Law School, 2020, Summer Public Interest Fellow
Representative Publications
Law Review Articles
- Remedying Selective Enforcement, 93 George Washington Law Review _ (forthcoming 2025)
- Minimalist Criminal Courts, 101 Washington University Law Review 1955 (2024) (with Yoav Sapir)
- The Prosecutor-Oriented Exclusionary Rule, 65 Boston College Law Review 1755 (2024)
- Selective Prosecution, Selective Enforcement, and Remedial Vagueness, 2022 Wisconsin Law Review 825 (2022)
Book Chapters
- The Influence of Proportionality in Private Law on Remedies in American Constitutional Criminal Procedure, in Proportionality in Private Law 201 (Franz Bauer & Ben Köhler eds., 2023)
Law Review Articles in Hebrew
- Yissacharov in Action: On the Merits of the Israeli Flexible Exclusionary Rule and Its Contribution to the Protection of Individual Rights, 10 Tel Aviv University Journal of Law & Social Change 333 (2019) (with Yoav Sapir)
- The Exclusionary Rule Applied to Illegally Obtained Evidence from Witnesses, 42 Tel Aviv University Law Review Forum 5 (2019) (with Moshe Serogovich)
Other Publications
- The Global Anticorruption Blog (Multiple Publications)
Additional Information
- Languages: English, Hebrew, Arabic
Last Updated: July 31, 2024