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Fall 2025 Clinic

Crimmigration Clinic

To learn more about the Clinical Curriculum and Registration, please visit our Clinical Registration Center. You can also find more information on How to Register for Clinics and How Clinical Credits Work.

For more information about this clinic, please visit the Clinic Website, Clinic Q&A and OCP Blog Highlights.

Enrollment in this clinic will fulfill the HLS JD pro bono requirement.

Required Class Component: Crimmigration: The Intersection of Criminal Law and Immigration Law (2 fall classroom credits). Students who enroll in this clinic will be enrolled in the required clinical course component by the Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs, unless they have already completed the course as a non-clinical student.

Additional Co-/Pre-Requisites: No.

By Permission: No.

Add/Drop Deadline: August 22, 2025.

LLM Students: LLM students may enroll in this clinic through Helios.

Placement Site: HLS.

In the Crimmigration Clinic students work on cutting-edge issues regarding the intersection of criminal law and immigration law. The content of the clinical projects will depend on the legal landscape and political climate at the time of clinical enrollment.  In the past, students have worked on administrative and federal litigation in both federal appellate courts and district courts on behalf of clients concerning criminal bars to immigration relief, detention, and the crime-based grounds of removal. Students also work with community-based organizations and non-profits. Clinical students will also work with the Harvard Criminal Justice Institute and other criminal defense attorneys around the country to provide advice about the immigration consequences of criminal charges.

The Crimmigration Clinic is offered for 3 clinical credits in both the Fall and Spring semesters. Students in the clinic (both Fall and Spring semesters) are required to enroll in the Fall clinical course component.

Successful completion of appropriate written work in this offering satisfies the professional writing requirement for matriculants to the J.D. program from 2023 onward.