Spring 2026 • Course
Advanced Negotiation: Money, Negotiation & You
Pre/Co-requisites: Students must have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in, the Negotiation Workshop.
Exam Type: No Exam
Money and other quantifiable outcomes grab our attention, and are the simplest yardstick by which negotiation outcomes are measured.
Yet many report that negotiating over money is uncomfortable, and particularly when representing themselves. This course will build on the Negotiation Workshop, and delve into the research on self-agency, mental accounting, decision biases, fair pay, and our own narratives about money and identity, and will explore ways to strengthen our comfort and ability to advocate effectively for ourselves. Homework will include:
- Regular Fieldwork, designed as real-life experiments that invite you to step out of your comfort zone, and provide an opportunity to notice your own – and others’ – reactions.
- Digging into and summarizing relevant research, and presenting it to each other for discussion,
- Preparing for and doing in-class negotiations over rent, buying and selling cars, offering professional services, setting fair pay within an organization, negotiating pay and start dates as a candidate, losses with meaningful compensation, and money’s relationship to your values, happiness and making meaning in your life.
- Writing reflection papers on your experiences, and reading others’ reflections and discussing in small groups throughout the term.