Fall 2025 - Spring 2026 • Seminar
Advanced Clinical Practice
To learn more about the Clinical Curriculum and Registration, please visit our Clinical Registration Center. You can also find more information on How to Register for Clinics and How Clinical Credits Work.
Required Clinic Component: Harvard Legal Aid Bureau 3L (4 fall clinical credits + 4 spring clinical credits). This clinic and course are bundled; your enrollment in the clinic will automatically enroll you in this required course.
Additional Co-/Pre-Requisites: Harvard Legal Aid Bureau 2L.
By Permission: Yes. This course is restricted to 3L members of HLAB.
Add/Drop Deadline: N/A.
LLM Students: LLM students are not eligible to enroll.
Multi-Semester: This is a fall-spring course (1 fall classroom credit + 1 spring classroom credit).
This workshop, which is required for all 3L members of the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, provides students with the opportunity to engage in further critical self-reflection on their clinical experience, focusing on their roles as advocates, mentors, and law office managers and incorporating readings on issues of poverty law and legal services delivery. The class will be graded credit/fail.
Enrollment in this course is restricted to 3L Harvard Legal Aid Bureau members and will not be in clinical registration. The Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs will enroll all HLAB 3L members in this course.