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David R. Herwitz & Matthew J. Barrett, Materials on Accounting for Lawyers (Found. Press 4th ed. 2006).

Abstract: With both unabridged and concise versions, the Fourth Editions remain the most widely adopted text in the field. An annual combined supplement continues to keep the Fourth Editions the most current. In an effort to make accounting as understandable as possible, the Fourth Editions use a "learn by doing" approach, with financial statements from Starbucks,, Google, and UPS to illustrate various concepts, and comprehensive problems in every chapter. By identifying and emphasizing those accounting topics and issues most likely to confront lawyers in the 21st century, it offers students more than basic accounting. Although primarily designed for the law student with no accounting background, the Fourth Editions include sufficiently provocative material to enable students with previous accounting experience to appreciate better how accounting issues interrelate with the legal profession. Because the Fourth Editions retain and update materials that cover more advanced topics, interested professors can also use these materials to teach a more sophisticated course.