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Susan Bloch, Vicki C. Jackson & Thomas Krattenmaker, Inside the Supreme Court: The Institution and Its Procedures (2nd ed. 2008).

Abstract: This title carefully analyzes the Supreme Court from the nomination process to proposals for reform. The authors have designed this text to be used in two ways. First, it can be used as the "main text" in a seminar on the Supreme Court. Second, it can be used as supplemental reading for any course in constitutional law, American history, American government or other similar courses in law, history or government that touch on the role of the Court. The accompanying instructor's manual will show how it can be used effectively for your course. In writing this book, the authors’ goal has been to bring together selections from the best research published by legal academics and political scientists, along with thoughtful commentary by experienced Supreme Court practitioners and some primary materials, from congressional hearings and Court decisions, to show how the Supreme Court works as an institution.