Harvard Law School combines genuine excellence and wonderful diversity on a scale that is unmatched anywhere. No law school has done more to shape law or legal education. The unique strength of our community is that it brings together, from around the world, so many exceptionally talented people of different backgrounds, lived experiences, interests, ambitions, approaches, methodologies, and perspectives.
HLS at a Glance
The Year HLS was Founded 1817
Size of Student Body 1,900+
Courses and Seminars 500+

Student Life
Approximately 1,990 students attend HLS each year:
- 1,750 J.D. students
- 180 LL.M. students
- 60 S.J.D. candidates
“Our students change the world, and being connected to them and their work—here and after they leave—is incredibly exciting.”
—Andrew Manuel Crespo ’08
Morris Wasserstein Public Interest Professor of Law, HLS
At HLS, a wide variety of extracurricular activities complement and enrich the classroom and clinical experiences. Whether exploring professional interests, serving the public, or merely socializing, students engage in an enormous range of activity on the HLS campus beyond the classroom. At present, there are more than 100 student organizations and journals at HLS. Student organizations based on a range of personal or professional interests plan workshops, panels, concerts, networking opportunities, and conferences.
Cutting Edge Courses and Faculty at the Forefront of Legal Thought
Harvard Law School offers students a curriculum of unparalleled breadth: more than 500 courses, seminars, and reading groups that together reflect the remarkable range of the faculty’s expertise and interests. Teaching and mentoring take place side by side, as faculty and students learn together and collaborate on meaningful projects.
The HLS Experience
The Clinical Experience
The Clinical Legal Education Program is one of the most important and valued aspects of a Harvard Law School education, confirming our commitment to providing our students with the best possible educational experience.
International Scope
With students coming from more than 70 countries to study here and with hundreds of current students going abroad each year to work, study, engage in research, or advocate for change, HLS is truly a global crossroads.
Our Faculty
The centerpiece of the HLS experience is working directly with scholars who shape the landscape of American and international law. Beyond the classroom, students provide critical support to faculty producing cutting-edge research and influencing the development of the law and of societies around the world.
Areas of Interest
Law connects to every aspect of people’s lives and intersects with multiple areas of knowledge and disciplines. At Harvard Law School, we offer an unmatched breadth and depth of learning opportunities and scholarship in more areas of interest related to law and justice than any other law school in the world.
Equal Opportunity at HLS
Accessibility Services Resources
HLS provides accommodations and support to students with documented disabilities on an individual, case-by-case basis.
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying Policies
Non-discrimination and anti-bullying policies are part of an ongoing commitment to foster an environment in which everyone can participate fully in the life of the University and Harvard Law School.
Title IX
Please use this site as a guide for learning about your options under Title IX and the resources available to you.