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Harvard University requires students traveling abroad under HLS auspices—for HLS academic credit and/or with Harvard funding—to review, sign, and submit an Assumption of Risk form, which also includes emergency contact information. There are three different forms, each designed for a certain type of international travel. Students should carefully review the form descriptions to select the appropriate form for their travel.

Prior to departure, HLS students must:

  1. Select the appropriate form below
  2. Complete the online form, including an electronic signature
  3. Submit the form, via email, to their sponsoring program at HLS (please cc

Students with questions about the forms should contact International Legal Studies at for assistance.

Choose the appropriate form:

  • International Research, Study, Work, or Travel. This form should be used by graduate or professional school students participating in study abroad, thesis or dissertation research, or an international internship arranged by the student. Students traveling abroad with WinterTerm International Travel Grants, Winter Writing Program research, clinical projects and programs, summer internships (Summer Public Interest Funding projects, Chayes International Public Service Fellowship, Human Rights Program Summer Internship, etc.) or other pro bono work should use this form.
  • International Travel Course. This form should be used by students participating in classes for which travel is required, although the course itself is not a condition of receiving a degree.
  • International Field Trip. This form should be used by students participating in certain international field trips for a Harvard course or program and certain Harvard research expeditions abroad, regardless of whether a student is receiving Harvard funding or academic credit. (Students participating in trips that fall into this category will be notified by the sponsoring program.)